If you’ve found yourself becoming a frequent vacationer over the past few years, you may be wondering if it’s time to invest in vacation real estate. Having access to a vacation home can be extremely beneficial, but many people wonder what the difference is between a vacation home and a hotel. So let’s take a look at a few important differences between renting a hotel room and a vacation home.
Affordability: Many vacation-goers make the mistake of thinking hotels would be more affordable. And up front, they may seem like they are more affordable. But when you think about having to eat out for every meal due to the lack of a kitchen, having to pay extra for outside amenities, and other added costs, hotels can actually be more expensive. But when it comes to vacation homes, they have a lot more to offer for the price. Families can cook in the kitchen, use the laundry facilities, and even split the cost between several families. So overall, vacation houses and resort communities are more cost-effective.
Privacy: While hotels can be convenient, they don’t offer the most private experience. Between bumping into people in the hallways and paper-thin walls, hotel rooms can lack the privacy many families enjoy while on vacation. Fortunately, vacation homes offer plenty of privacy, as you’ll have the entire house to yourselves. Families can keep to themselves and enjoy their vacation without being disturbed by people right next door. So if you’re looking for more privacy when it comes to vacation accommodations, a vacation rental might be the right choice.
Amenities: Depending on the hotel, you may have access to things like a pool and a workout room. But those amenities won’t compare to what a vacation home has to offer. A vacation home can also offer amenities like a pool and a gym, but also kitchens, laundry facilities, golf courses, and more. Additionally, staying in a vacation home can allow you easy access to local amenities, while hotels may be more isolated. And with 50% of Canadian children between the ages of five and 15 wanting to try new activities while on vacation, having quick access to local amenities can come in handy.
As you can see, vacation homes can offer significant benefits to frequent vacationers. So if you’ve been considering investing in a vacation home, keep these benefits in mind when making your decision.