Map, Distance & Travel Time
Find Bighorn Meadows Resort From Anywhere With the Map or Look at Our Predefined Locations and Driving Directions Below to Find Bighorn Meadows Resort.
When you buy property, you receive bighorn meadows owner benefits that are unmatched anywhere else.
Distance to Radium Hot Springs from:
Local | KM's | Miles |
Edgewater | 9 | 5 |
Brisco | 28 | 17.5 |
Spillimacheen | 39 | 24 |
Fairmont Hot Springs | 42 | 26 |
Canal Flats | 65 | 41 |
Golden | 111 | 69 |
Wasa | 116 | 72 |
Kimberley | 132 | 82 |
Cranbrook | 142 | 91 |
Arriving from the south?
Radium Hot Springs is located on the Junctions of Highway 93 & 95. Just 1-1/2 hours drive from Cranbrook past Columbia Lake, headwaters of the Mighty Columbia River.
Arriving from Banff?
Drive 1-1/4 hours through Banff National Park and Kootenay National Park. See the majesty of the Canadian Rocky Mountains.
Arriving from Golden?
A beautiful 1 hour drive beside the Columbia Valley Wetlands, an International Heritage Site and the largest protected wetlands area in the world.